Our employment staff has years of expertise helping the residents of the Sheffield City Region , South Yorkshire and are professionals in their sector. We provide practical legal counsel so you may make the best choice for you and your circumstances.

How should the hearing be structured?

A: It is really important that you get the structure of the meeting right, to ensure that you are following a robust process but also that the employee feels more comfortable.

  1. Introduce all the parties and explain their roles.
  2. Take the employee through each allegation and explain the evidence in support.
  3. Allow the employee to make representations and ask questions.
  4. The chair has the discretion to adjourn a meeting if further evidence is required.
  5. The chair should adjourn to consider the evidence and decide on an appropriate sanction if any. HR can advise but not decide.
  6. The outcome can be given at the reconvened hearing but should always be followed up in writing.

What happens if you get it wrong?

It is incredibly important that you not only follow certain guidelines around organising the meeting but also that you conduct the meeting in a fair and reasonable way.

If a proper process is not followed when it comes to undertaking a disciplinary or grievance hearing you are at risk of an unfair dismissal claim succeeding in the event of a case going to an Employment Tribunal.

Upcoming Events & HR Training for Employers

As experienced HR Advisors and Employment Law solicitors we see first-hand how HR issues can affect both the employee and the employer.

Our training is very well received by attendees and is delivered by lawyers and HR advisors, with combined knowledge and expertise, in a practical way which works for your business.

Bhayani Law clients and charities get discounts on our training and some of our training is available at discounted rates with public funding between 40-100%.

Our events allow you to meet other businesses and build your connections, so do book if you want to come along.

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