It has come to our attention that a job applicant has made numerous claims in the Employment Tribunal against dozens of different employers across the country and is still doing so currently.

The grounds of the claims for this specific individual have been discrimination on the basis that he was not able to complete online applications due to his dyspraxia.

Whilst the majority of claims made in an Employment Tribunal are done with the best of intention, there are always going to be a small minority of people who make vexatious claims for a number of reasons.

Please remember that if an applicant is minded to make a claim, regardless of the chances of success, there is nothing to stop them from doing that.  Even unwarranted claims will cost your business to defend them and so getting all of your documents and processes in order now may save you the cost of a defence as it may minimise the chance of a spurious claim being made.

It is of vital importance that you ensure that all of your recruitment practices are reflective of equality and diversity requirements in order to protect you from a claim. Claims are on the rise and sometimes we do see this sort of serial complainant gaining traction.

In the event that a discrimination claim is made by an applicant, your only defence to that is the advert and, depending on how far down the recruitment process they get, the recruitment paperwork and so it is crucial that you have all of your ducks in a row.

If you would like us to review any of your documentation to ensure that it is as Watertight as possible, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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