I would like to convey a brief message regarding the support given by a member of the team at Bhayani Law.

It was not great, hearing the news of losing my job. It was the first time in a career spanning 35 years, to be told your role now redundant and so I had no idea what to expect.

I was informed that a solicitor was required and so I found on Google that Bhayani Law was top on the list for Employment Law in Sheffield. 

A prompt meeting made with your solicitor Lindsey Gaimster, of whom offered experienced and financially benefitting advice.

I am very happy with the support received from Lindsey and she was a delight to deal with.

I do hope that I will no longer require the help from Employment legal services in the future, but rest assured if I did then Lindsey will be the first person that I would call.

Michael FeyFive Star Google Ratings

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