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Welcome to The HR Exchange. Founded in 2012 by Jay Bhayani to offer businesses and charities the opportunity to gain valuable advice and information from our team of employment lawyers and HR experts as well as a chance to share experiences with peers in various industry sectors.

Our brand new meet-ups will be a way for you to socialise, network and just hang out with others working in a HR capacity within a wide range of industry sectors. There is no cost to attend. It is a great way for HR professionals to network in a confidential and supported environment, guided by the Bhayani HR Team. We will welcome you with drinks and nibbles and help you to build your circle of supporters and mentors, in what can sometimes be a lonely role.

The HR Exchange Meet-up: Making emotional conversations easier in the workplace.

In this Meet-up we will be discussing how to make emotional conversations easier in the workplace with special guest, Amanda Cookson.

Many people try to avoid emotions at work because they find it awkward. You might worry you’ll make things worse. You might be secretly prioritising your own comfort by not getting involved. But ignoring your own and other people’s feelings doesn’t make them go away. Emotions leak out in a million small ways. Sometimes they explode.

As a leader you can’t avoid emotions, but you can allow for their healthy expression. Emotion is data you can use to help yourself and your team do your best work.

Join us to discover:

  • How to make emotional conversations easier- Amanda will be sharing some conversational starters you can use to have better conversations straight away.

For full details of the HR Exchange meetings and other information related to HR and employment law visit our website or call 0333 888 1360 and join our Linked In group The HR Exchange @Bhayani Law to be kept in the loop.

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