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Gain valuable insights on microaggressions and hidden discrimination in the workplace from our employment and HR professionals. We will look at how to build an inclusive culture in your workplace and why this is important.

Seminar summary

This instalment of the HR Exchange will look at the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion within the workplace, in particular, how to build an inclusive culture. Brought to you by niche law firm, Bhayani HR & Employment Law this network offers you the opportunity to gain valuable advice and information from employment and HR professionals in a relaxed format, as well as a chance to share experiences with your peers in various industry sectors.

Topics we will cover:

  • discrimination in the workplace in the form of microaggressions
  • real-life experience and impact of microaggressions;
  • how the law addresses them (or doesn’t as the case may be);
  • what steps organisations can take from a policy and good practice perspective to tackle the issue.

Delivery and cost

This workshop will be delivered online via Zoom and participants will be expected to take part in break out rooms to ensure engagement and be given an opportunity to ask questions and make comments.

The cost per delegate is free and booking via Eventbrite is essential.

Priority will be given to Bhayani Law clients – numbers are limited so please book your place as soon as possible.

For any questions regarding this event, please contact [email protected]

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