Mediation is a structured process. The mediator will contact the parties to discuss:
- the main issues
- what they want to achieve out of the process
- confirm the parties’ agreement to mediate.
Before mediation, the mediator will discuss with the parties their aim of mediation and help them prepare for the session.
On the day, the mediator will have joint sessions to allow the parties to set out their positions from their viewpoint and what they hope to achieve at the end of the mediation process.
The mediator will then hold private sessions with both parties to ask the difficult but important questions to help the parties towards a more reconciliatory position in a confidential and safe environment.
The parties may then explore their positions regarding a future without the conflict and what solutions may be realistic proposed and achieved.
How long mediation sessions may take, will often depend on the nature and complexity of the disagreement as well as the number of people involved.
This Monday’s takeaways to remember are:
1. There is confidence in a structure
2. Focus on the positive aim of ediation throughout
3. Trust the process
If you need advice on managing conflict in the workplace, please contact us at 0333 888 1360 or complete our enquiry form.
Mediation Mondays – read our weekly series of explainers around workplace mediation